October 2024 - The Art of Forgiveness

We must be careful not to let our grudges fester and turn into self-victimization, bitterness, isolation, negative role-modeling, or sabotaged repentance. Negative energy only drains your resources and robs you of the chance to fulfill your God-given potential. The hurt you harbor pollutes the stream of your daily experience, including your experience with God! Genuine repentance and forgiveness aren’t possible until you’re willing to face up to the things you’re still holding onto.

Bitterness is fatal; it kills your soul. So how can you stop yourself from becoming bitter when you’ve been hurt? Releasing bitterness requires that you choose to forgive. Whether or not the person who hurt you is around, or apologizes, forgiveness sets you free to enjoy life. By releasing the wrongdoer from all expectations, you reclaim your peace of mind.

We must remember that God is the source of all of our needs and expectations. When we draw from Him, we are free to release others from the burden of being enough for us. If we’re able to step further, and ask God to bless our offender, that’s even better! This kind of prayer puts you in the driver’s seat of your life.

You are the owner of your heart. Each day, you must monitor, direct, and correct what goes on there. You can’t blame your bad attitude, resentment, and unforgiveness on others—you are responsible! When somebody offends you, it’s up to you whether you let bitterness take root. You can’t control what others do, but it’s the “inside” part—the part you can control —that God holds us accountable for. Forgiveness allows us to take back our power and not let the events embitter, limit, or destroy us.

Sorors, let's be nice, be kind, and keep moving forward.

Holy Spirit, would you come and minister to us, and reveal any roots of bitterness, unforgiveness, unhealthy sarcasm, negativity or pride. Yank that root out of our heart, right now, in the name of Jesus. Pull it out until all the thorns are taken off and removed. I pray that you would seal what you remove with the blood of Jesus, and soften our hearts to your Holy Spirit. Mend it back to where you want it to be. Thank you for this healing in the name of Jesus. Amen.

“Be kind and helpful to one another, tender-hearted [compassionate, understanding], forgiving one another [readily and freely], just as God in Christ also forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 AMP